Murwillumbah East Public School

It All Depends On Me

Telephone02 6672 6781

Years 1 - 6 Enrolment (Local and out-of-area)

Enrolment application forms

Please complete our online enrolment form to apply to enrol at Murwillumbah East Public School.

Paper forms are also available through the office. 

Apply to enrol



Many NSW Government schools have specific local enrolment areas. The designated intake areas are determined by the Department of Education. These schools ensure that there are enough places for students who reside in their local enrolment area.

The Enrolment of Students in NSW Government Schools policy sets out the entitlements and requirements for enrolment. Additional information for parents (PDF 737.06KB) is available to explain recent changes to the enrolment policy.

Use School Finder to find your local NSW Government school. The school principal can help with enrolment inquiries throughout the year.

Out-of-area enrolment

Murwillumbah East Public School accepts enrolments from outside our designated area if places are available. Such applications are subject to department policies.

If the school is able to accommodate out-of-area enrolments, the school will advise you of any non-local enrolment selection criteria.

If the demand for local enrolment exceeds the number of places available, out-of-area enrolments will not be available.

Please contact the office for further information.